What You Never Knew About Gutters But Probably Always Should Have From Your Denver Roofing Contractor

April 24, 2019

Gutters are one of the most important components of your roof. You are probably well aware of the plethora of benefits provided by this absolutely essential roofing component. When a nasty storm hits during the spring months, your gutters help to swiftly and accurately guide water and other debris to specific downspouts, preventing the possibility of water flowing to places you rather not have it go. Gutters are a strategic, vital element in in the overall scheme of your roof and are important to maintaining. Here are some of the things you probably never knew about your gutters but should be aware of from your Denver roofing contractor.

Defining the Components of Your Gutter

If you own your own home in Denver, your roof is certainly one of the most important components to be aware of and keep an eye on. A leaky roof or one that is malfunctioning can lead to all sorts of potential negative complications, and these can certainly be affected or caused by gutters which are in need of repair. Before you start pretending to be the expert on all things regarding your roof, it’s important to understand what each part of your gutter system does and is responsible for. 

The gutter is the part of the system which captures water shedding off of the roof. This is the most obvious part of the whole system, as it is almost certainly the first thing a person thinks of when they think of their gutter system. These metal components hang off the surface of your roof, providing an easy place for water and other debris to flow into. At the end of your gutter is something called an end cap, which is the piece which closes the gutter. This basically prevents water from flowing off the end of the gutter, directing it into the next component.

After water reaches the end cap, it will be directed to flow into the downspout, which is the part of your gutter that conveys water from an elevate point above into a specific and targeted portion of your ground. Also referred to as the leader, downspouts are a crucial part of the gutter system, as a clogged downspout can create backups and ultimately cause your gutter system to fail. The elbow of this part of the system is what changes the direction of the downspout, possibly directing water to your preferred location instead of letting it flow undirected.

Clogged Gutters: The Bain of Any Roofing System

Next to the prospect of a leaky roof, clogged gutters are another phrase every Denver homeowner would rather not hear, as it can require extensive cleanup in order to fully flush out the contents which are clogging your system. In order to prevent such an outcome from befalling you as a homeowner, it is vitally important to remain vigilant and regularly check to make sure your gutters are not becoming clogged with material. 

There are a few critical signs which can indicate that your gutters are becoming clogged, signs which are important to notice as soon as possible. If you spot birds or pests on your roof, it could be an indication that your gutters are clogged, as a bird’s nest will certainly create potential stoppages in the flow of water down your gutter system’s downspouts. Get rid of pests as much as possible to prevent this situation from occurring. Another thing which is a tell tale sign that your gutters are beginning to become clogged is when water begins to flow over the sides of the gutter. This is an indication that debris and other contents are clogging up your gutter system.

Another factor which can be a sign that your gutters are clogged is when your gutters begin to sag. This is likely due to the fact that your gutters contain excess amounts of debris and water, meaning the weight load that is being placed on your system is creating gutters which are bent and sagging. Over time, this will begin to wear on the structure of the gutter itself, potentially causing the gutters to pull away from your home and possibly leading to you to have to fix this problem with the services of a professional roofing contractor.

Not All Gutters Are Made From the Same Material

It can be easy to believe that all gutters are made from essentially the same material, but this simply isn’t true. Gutters tend to be composed of three different types of metal, although there are instances where gutters may be fastening and constructed from more unique materials. Frankly, you shouldn’t be creating gutters from anything other than sturdy metal material, but that’s not always the case with some ambitious do-it-yourselfers. 

Gutters are made of aluminum, galvalume, and copper. In terms of prevalence, aluminum is the most used material when it comes to gutters, due to both cost and availability. However, there are instances where home and business owners will choose to use galvalume, which is made from steel coated with zinc and aluminum. This will be done for durability purposes, but will also be more costly. The same is true of copper gutters, as it is the most long-lasting material for gutters, but also the most expensive. 

If you are in need of roofing services for your home or office, avoid doing it yourself and hire professional and competent contractors to get the job done. In this area, The Roof Dr. has you covered. We offer both residential and commercial roofing options for whatever your situation may be. We are a Colorado owned and operated business, and have been building roofs in the Denver metro area since 1971. Our team of qualified and experienced professionals are there to ensure the job is done as efficiently and affordably as possible. If you are need of a roofing repair or replacement, or you simply have questions about our services, contact us today!
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