Common Questions from New Homeowners about Roofing in Longmont

May 9, 2018

As a new homeowner, you may be wondering about one of the largest investments in your house: the roof. The roof keeps your home secure and ensures outdoor elements stay out. When outside air is flowing in and out of your home, it can cause your heating and cooling bills to skyrocket. It is even worse when water leaks inside as it can be detrimental to the interior and foundation of the home. Learn about the top questions asked by new homeowners about roofing in Longmont.

How often does a roof need to be replaced?

On average, a roof can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years, depending on its construction material, weather conditions, and the amount of care you provide. It is important to keep up with usual, routine maintenance, which will extend the life of the roof. The best way to do this is to check on your roof a couple times a year and have your local roofer inspect when you have questions or concerns.

What are leading signs a roof needs replaced?

There are a few key signs that it is time for you to install a new roof. First are shingles that curve up. At times you can replace one or two shingles, but when the entire roof has worn shingles that curl up, are cracked, and have lost all their granules, it is time to replace. You may also notice large, dark patches on your roof. This is due to algae. The worse it is, the more difficult it is to remove. Similarly, moss can also grow and cause detrimental damage to your shingles. Moisture and other outdoor elements can lead to rotting on the roof. When this occurs with your roof, it is time to replace and start new. Last, if there are noticeable holes in the roof that is a much larger problem than a smaller leak, a replacement may be required. Consider the other factors, such as age and wear, and work with your local roofer for assistance.

What types of roofing are available?

Some of the common types of roofing include:
  • Single-ply membranes: When it comes to flat roofs, single-ply roofing is a top choice. It is economically-friendly and can resist chemicals or fire. This is key in the event of an emergency. Single-ply also helps to protect the interior of your home or business from the sun and outdoor elements.
  • TPO: TPO stands for Thermoplastic Polyolefin ideal for cooler areas. It works to keep out the sun’s rays and is also an economically-friendly roofing solution.
  • EPDM: Ethylene propylene diene terpolymer roofing, or EPDM for short, is the ideal roofing solution for roofs with a low pitch. Thanks to its durable construction, it can handle harsh weather including temperature changes. EPDM is also resistant to fire.
  • Torch down: Torch down roofing can be used on flat or low pitch settings. It is commonly used in areas with intense weather and fluctuating temperatures.

What are the most common types of shingles?

There are three top types of roofing shingles. They include:
  • Wood: Wood shingles are perfect for rustic homes looking to showcase character. They have a thick construction helping to keep rain, snow, and other types of weather from coming into your house. You can work with your local roofer on the best type of wood shingle will work for you (i.e. pine, cypress, cedar or redwood).
  • Asphalt: Asphalt is usually the default when it comes to shingles. They are easy on one’s budget and are available in several colors and styles. When choosing asphalt shingles, you will be impressed at how quickly they can be installed.
  • Slate: For a natural look, consider slate shingles. They are upscale in appearance that will completely transform your home. It is durable and will stand up to the tests of local weather patterns.

How often should I inspect my roofing?

You should inspect your roof and gutters on your roof two to four times per year. During your inspection, look for cracks, flashing, shingles, and more. Take some time to clear off any lingering dirt or debris that is sitting on your roof. Be sure to also clear out your gutters.

If my roof is damaged, what are my next steps?

Your first step should actually come before you notice any damage. Make sure you thoroughly read and understand your insurance policy. If there is anything you do not understand, discuss it with your insurance agent.

From there, upon finding any damage to your roof, such as broken shingles, damage to flashing, missing granules (or granules clogging gutters) or holes, document as much as you can. This will be helpful for your insurance claim.

After gathering your evidence, reach out to your insurance agent and submit a claim. An adjuster will be sent out to assess the damage and start the claims process. Learn more about what homeowners need to know about insurance claims for roofs.

Do I need to clean out my gutters?

Absolutely! Gutters play an important role with the health of your roof. Set a goal to inspect and clean your gutters once per season. When gutters become clogged with dirt, twigs, and other debris, two issues can arise. First, when clogged, water will not be directed away from your home as it should be. This can damage the foundation of your home. Second, when gutters become weighed down, they will begin to sag. In some extreme instances, they can even break. Make sure this does not happen and keep them clean.

In some cases, you will need to replace your roof, but not always. Be sure to learn the four ways to know when to repair vs. replace your Centennial roof. When you are in need of repairs or replacement, The Roof Dr. is here to help. We specialize in residential and commercial roofing, which will cover you at home or for your business. We’ll work with you and your insurance company to expedite your claim. To get started, call us today at 720-606-7663.
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