Tips to Prevent Catastrophic Hail Damage to Your Roof From Your Roofing Company in Boulder

April 18, 2018

The prospect of suffering catastrophic damage to your roof from a hail storm is something that should be fresh in the forefront of everyone’s minds in the Denver metro area. The epic hail storm that hit Denver last spring was the most expensive storm in the history of Colorado, doing 1.4 billion dollars in total damage. The aftermath of this storm could be seen in the damage it did to individuals’ cars as well as the roofs of many buildings. The fact that a single storm could do this much damage to roofs is something that opened many people’s eyes to the importance of proper damage control when it comes to roofing components. With that in mind, here are a few tips to keep catastrophic damage from hitting your roof from your roofing company in Boulder.

Utilize Hail-Resistant Roofing Material

If you are thinking about having your roof replaced in the Denver area, you should seriously consider using hail-resistant roofing material. Modified asphalt shingles can provide an added layer of protection to prevent your home from experiencing catastrophic damage to its roof. If you want to take an additional step of protection, you can also opt to invest in shingles that are made from resin, aluminum, or copper, those these materials will come at an increased cost. In the wake of the 2017 storm that hit Denver, many businesses have opted to go with metal roofs to reduce the possibility of suffering future damage as a result of a hail storm.

Choose the Correct Material for Your Budget

Impact-resistant roofing materials come in a variety of styles and include different types of source material. These materials can range from being much more expensive to being just slightly above the cost of a standard roofing project. If you are considering a new roof for your home or business, it is important to factor in the potential damage that can hit your roof with the added upfront cost of investing in a new, hail-resistant roof.

The financial burden that can result from having a severely damaged roof as the result of an intense hail storm can be immense. The Colorado Mills Mall was closed for months on end as a result of damage to their roof from this storm, resulting in untold amounts of money being lost as a result of having to be closed for that long. In the event that you are worried about the financial costs of utilizing hail-resistant roofing materials, it is a good idea to consider the risks involved with going with a standard roof, as you may be another storm away from having your business seriously impacted as a result. 

If you are in need of roofing services for your home or office, The Roof Dr. has you covered. We offer both residential and commercial roofing options for whatever your situation may be. We are a Colorado owned and operated business, and have been building roofs in the Denver metro area since 1971. Our team of qualified and experienced professionals are there to ensure the job is done as efficiently and affordably as possible. If you are need of a roofing repair or replacement, or you simply have questions about our services, contact us today!
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