4 Ways to Prevent Winter Roof Damage From Your Denver Roofing Professionals

March 21, 2018

Everyone that lives in the Denver area knows that winters here can be rough, and if your roof hasn’t been properly prepared for the winter, your winter will be that much worse. It’s imperative that you take the precautions to prevent winter roof damage so that your roof will last for years to come. Your roof is an expensive investment, so make sure you get it’s lifetime use. Here are four ways to prevent disastrous winter roof damage from your Denver roofing professionals.

Clean Out Your Gutters Every Spring And Fall

If you do clean out your gutters now, you might only clean them once a year in the fall. Be sure to do a double check each season because full rain gutters will increase the likelihood of ice dams. If your gutters are filled to the brim with leaves and other debris, they will eventually buckle once they’re fill with snow and ice, and can’t effectively drain. Gutters that don’t drain will collect even more snow, which greatly increases your risk for rot along the soffit and fascia. For these reasons alone, clean out your gutters at least twice a year. Take the time to check that they can drain properly, too. If your gutters won’t slant enough, water will collect in your gutters.

Check Your Roof’s Structure

Especially if you have an older home, your roof trusses or rafters can be inadequately sized. Have you ever read about a roof collapse? Ineffective roofing structures are to blame. Roofing rafters should be reinforced once you know that you have a problem. Contact My Roof Doctor to come out and check your roof if your home was built before the 1950s. If you’ve noticed roof leaks in the past, your existing rafters could very well be damaged. We can do a quick evaluation to ensure that your roof will be able to withstand the snow load you’ll get in a typical winter.

Watch For Ice Dams

If your home has had ice dams in the past, it’s because the moisture barrier and insulation in your attic is inadequate. An inspection with a professional contractor will be able to suggest how to prevent ice dams from forming. In typical situations, you’ll need to add insulation to your attic or install a wide piece of flashing along the edges of your roof to prevent more leaks. Ice dams are dangerous because they can cause the structure of your roof to rot.

Watch For Icicle Formations

Yes, icicles can be beautiful in the winter, but they’re an eyesore for anyone wanting to protect their roof. If you notice that your home frequently creates icicles, it’s probably because of an improperly vented soffit or inadequate insulation to blame. A professional will be able to assess your house’s structure and roof and make suggestions. Just like ice dams, icicles aren’t just a safety hazard, they can also damage drip edges and create even more ice dams.

Contact a professional to come out and assess your roof before the start of another winter season. My Roof Doctor has over twenty years experience working with Denver area homes and their roofs, so we’ve seen it all and know how to prevent disasters from happening. Contact us today with questions or to set up an appointment!
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