Denver Roofing Professionals: Hazards Of Working On A Roof In Winter

January 3, 2018

We’ve had snow, freezing temperatures, and blistering winds - we are in the midst of winter. As a homeowner or a professional in the roofing industry, working on your roof in the winter can be extremely dangerous. In the Denver area, we experience just about everything: snow, ice, and blustery winds which basically means approach your roof with caution. Learn more about winter roof preparation and when to contact the professionals. Keep reading for the hazards of working on a roof in the winter!

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

This one is pretty obvious, but snow on a roof is definitely hazardous. Snow not only covers your roof, making it impossible to work on the bare roof, but it also disguises other potential hazards including snow and ice. Now, one thing you also need to think about when you see snow on your roof is snow load. After a blizzard or snowstorm, a large amount of snow piles up on your roof which can be extremely heavy. If you were to take the trek up to your roof, or have a professional do it, combining their weight and equipment along with the weight of the amassed snow will spell a collapse in your roof. In the winter. Which, no one wants, ever. If you do need to go up to your roof after a snowstorm, be sure you know your roof’s capacity first!

Invisible Hazards

While some hazards are more visible, other dangers can be hidden. You know that your rooftop should be all cleared off before you even attempt to go up on it, but sometimes people skip that part. Your roof is especially prone to ice build up, on any part of the surface. Do you want to climb up a tall ladder only to not be able to get off or back on due to ice? Invisible ice leads to the possibility of workers or you yourself slipping and hurting themselves, or worse, falling off the roof. If you must go up there and there is a possibility of ice, think about installing an elevated walkway with traction so you can safely walk across.


All houses and roofs are used to run of the mill, normal winds. But, combine those with ice, falling snow, or freezing rain, and you have yourself a hazardous condition. If you’re up on the roof and happen to get caught on a icy patch and a gust of wind rolls through, you could very easily go flying. If wind is combined with falling snow, your visibility will drastically reduce, causing you to possibly step on the wrong thing. All of the equipment and materials you would need on your roof would very much go flying as well. Simply put: if the weather outside has strong winds, do not go up on the roof.

At The Roof Dr., we advise you to leave any roofing needs up to the professionals. While we avoid going up on roofs during dangerous conditions, we are here to handle any of your roofing needs. Contact us today with any questions you may have!
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