Denver Roof Repair: Benefits of Installing a New Roof in the Fall

October 11, 2017

The cool air, the beautiful colors, the decorations - everyone loves fall, including Denver roofing professionals. While it may seem obvious as to why fall is the best time to install a new roof because of the cooler weather, there is a multitude of other reasons. Here are the benefits of having a roofing contractor install your new roof in the fall from your Denver roofing company!

Bye Bye Summer

We all love summer, but we also know that summer can not only be HOT, it also brings about wind, rain, and possible tornadoes to the Denver area. These weather events take a huge toll on your roof, especially when your roofing is old. It’s imperative to take the proper steps for your roof repair after a storm hits. Additionally, after the summer season is over, you should conduct another inspection or call the Roof Dr. to do so. If you find any damages from hail, branches, wind, you name it, it’s important to get your roof fixed immediately before the winter season. Winter weather will only do more damage to your already damaged roof!

You might’ve already guessed it, but fall has the ideal weather conditions for installing a new roof or repairing an old one. It’s best replace your roof in the fall because a perfect roof install day consists of a clear day where it’s warmer than 50 degrees. Asphalt shingles adhere properly due to the warm weather, called thermal sealing. Cooler weather means better working conditions for the roofers themselves, and that’s key for a properly installed roof!

Properly Installed Shingles

We mentioned thermal sealing in the previous paragraph, and want to mention it again and it’s so important that the shingles are properly sealed before old man winter comes along. If installed properly, the shingles will be ready for battle against moisture and cold air and be able to withstand frigid temperatures. Additionally, they are less likely to be swept away by winter storm winds.

If you schedule an install date in the winter months, be aware that shingles become brittle and difficult to work with frigid air. Manufacturers of the shingles you choose even recommend installing their products at 26 degrees or higher. Brittle shingles means more breakage, and puts your shingles at risk of needing to be installed by hand compared to roofing guns, essentially making the process last so much longer.

Finally, it’s important to fix damage, lost shingles, or holes before winter comes because they will get much worse even after the first snow storm. The weight of a heavy snowfall is disastrous to previous damage, and even worse, ice, can cause you to be paying a lot more for roofing repairs in the winter months.

If you prolong your roof repair until the winter months, things can get a little bit dicey. That’s why it’s best to repair or install in the fall! If you’re ready to assess your roof and get scheduled for a fall roof repair, contact The Roof Dr.! We have over 45 years of experience building roofs in Colorado so can trust our roofing professionals will provide timely and knowledgeable service to make your roof the best it’s ever been!
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