The Ins and Outs of Insurance from Denver Roofing Professionals

When needing to take care of a problem on your roof, many homeowners do not know where to begin when it comes to the insurance. There can be quite a bit to do and tasks to take on for your case. Local Denver roofing professionals provide some of the best service assisting with what you need to provide to your insurance company. It does not have to be as intimidating as it seems! Learn some of the ins and outs to help get you started.
  • Preliminary work: Prior to contacting your insurance company, it is important to review your coverage. Usually once a roof is above 20 years old, there are differences in insurance policies that can affect how fixes and repairs are handled. In fact, extensive damage on an old roof many require complete replacement. Next, be sure to clearly document the damage that has been done to the roof. Pictures are critical and it is important to provide high quality images that showcase the issues. This will be beneficial to your case and can be used by the agent that also inspects.
  • Important terms: There are a variety of terms you will need to know when filing an insurance claim. First is your deductible. This is the amount of money the homeowner will need to pay when having damage repaired. Next is an adjuster. The adjuster will be the representative from your insurance company that looks at the damage and further into the claim.  You may also hear about the “actual cash value” of your home. This is the value of the roof when the damage occurred.
  • Working with an adjuster: Upon contacting your insurance company, an adjuster will come to your home to review the damage. When initiating this step, as you talk to your insurance company, ask them if you will need to provide an estimate from a roofing company first. You will eventually need this anyway, but you can expedite the process by asking.
  • Process: Once the damage is inspected and the estimates are in, the insurance company will review the information. Upon approval, they will provide you with a check. This amount takes off any depreciation in value they found and your paid deductible. From there, you can pay for damages using the check from your insurance company. Work with your go-to roofing contractor from there on fixing the damage. In the event your insurance company does not find enough evidence to cover damage, you can work with them on an appeal.
When it comes to premier residential roofing services, you can trust the go-to experts at The Roof Doctor. We have served the Denver metro area since the early 1970s and are a top contractor to handle everything you need. We can also help walk you through the insurance claims process and help you understand the ins and outs more extensively. Upon receiving your insurance claim check, we will work with you to quickly and safely fix your existing roof or replace it. Get started and request a quote today or call us at 720-606-ROOF.
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