Steps to Take for Your Denver Roof Repair after a Storm Hits

June 29, 2016

Severe weather in Colorado can happen without notice. Usually your home will stand safe and secure, but sometimes these natural elements can cause damage to the main protector of the house, the roof: debris, tree limbs, and power lines can all come crashing down during the frequent storms we have in this state. Knowing what to do after such an event can help amend the situation quickly and effectively, with the help of your Denver roofing professionals.

Step 1: Look for Water Damage Inside
You’ll want to wait until the storm has completely passed before venturing outside to inspect the roof. Start by examining the attic and upper floors of your home for leaks or water damage. Water stains on the walls or light fixtures could mean a need for roof repairs.

Step 2: Examine the Roof, House, and Yard
Once the weather has cleared, inspect the property from the ground. It may be unsafe to climb onto the roof, so leave this part to the pros. Walk the perimeter of your house and yard, observing any missing, loose, or dented shingles, dangling gutters, loose pieces of pipe metal, and siding damage. Dents in gutters, roof vents, patio brick, and even cracked windows and torn screens may indicate roof damage from severe hail. Document any destruction with notations and photographs. If any part of a tree has landed on your roof, stay out of your home until a roof repair specialist can assess the scene. There may be structural issues with your home as well, leaving it potentially hazardous to be inside.

Step 3: Call Your Insurance Agent
If there is indeed destruction to the roof, contact your insurance agent to arrange an inspection to clarify if you need to file a claim or not. To assist in the ease of this process, make sure to save all receipts for work done on your home. If you need to cover windows or leaks from inside, many policies will cover these expenses when you file a claim.

Step 4: Contact Your Local Roofing Expert
There can be unseen trouble, such as broken sealing strips between the shingles which can lead to leakage problems months down the road. Using roofing experts is beneficial as they can assess the total damage, provide an estimate, and bring the proper materials and tools for repairs. The best roofing companies in Denver can also assist you with the insurance claims process.

Storm damage leaves your home vulnerable, and following these steps can help you prevent, contain, and fix any issues in a timely manner. If you’ve experienced damage, would like to assess the overall stability of your roof, or need help with roof insurance claims, contact The Roof Dr. at 303-618-9889 to schedule an inspection. With over 45 years of experience building roofs in Colorado, our professionals will provide timely and knowledgeable service to make your home whole again.
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