How to Ruin Your Northglenn Roof

December 18, 2015

No one ever sets out to spend extra money on costly roof repairs or replacements. While a considerable amount of the roof damage that happens in Colorado is a direct result of seasonal weather, there are a few people out there who don’t know some of the more basic concepts of how to prevent your roof from being damaged. We can’t all be experts on the intricacies of Northglenn roof repair and maintenance. Luckily for you, your premier Northglenn roofing company, The Roof Dr., is here to help make sure you don’t make some of the more common mistakes made by homeowners when they simply don’t know any better. So, what are some of the things people do to damage their roofs?
  • Gutters Not Cleaned: Because we get so little precipitation along the Front Range (300 days of sunshine per year), it’s easy to forget about the need to keep your gutters clear. Many people think as long as we aren’t getting rain, there isn’t much to worry about. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, the job of your gutters is to get the rain and melted snow away from the house and onto the ground a safe distance away from your foundation. However, if you don’t keep them clean the water has nowhere to go but into your home in various areas. The roof, windows, and basement tend to be their go-to places.
  • Too Much DIY: Stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s like to make everyone think there isn’t a home improvement project the average person can’t do. Well, this makes for great commercials but is far less realistic in real life. If you have the experience and know-how, by all means grab the ladder and get to work. However, if you aren’t experienced like The Roof Dr., you may want to climb down and give us a call. Not knowing what you’re doing can end up costing you a fortune in repairs or, even worse, cause some serious injury to you and anyone you have up there helping you. The roof of your home is no place for the amateur.
  • No Washing/Improper Washing: Even though we don’t get a lot of moisture and precipitation in Colorado, the spring months can bring days or even weeks of rain. Over the course of the winter, Northglenn can also see several inches to several feet of snow depending on the year. This means water can sit on roofs for extended periods of time and cause mold. If you don’t wash your roof at least twice a year, you could be opening your home to a host of different spores and molds. Don’t use pressure water to clean your roof either. This erodes the roof in areas and can cause even more problems.
The best way not to ruin your Northglenn roof is to contact The Roof Dr. whenever you feel like your roof could use some attention. We’ll come to you and give you an honest and affordable quote for whatever your roof needs.
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