Englewood Commercial Roof Repair and Coating Options

There are many Englewood roofing specialists who can assess your commercial roofing situation. In some cases, you may not need the entire expense of a new roof. Depending on your specific needs, you may be able to coat your roof rather than replace it. Premium roof systems like metal roofing are often much more cost effective to apply a coating as opposed to replacement, especially if the roof has a historic design.
To know whether or not applying a coating to your commercial roof is a viable option, first you need a professional roofing company in Englewood to examine the site first to determine your options. However, if your roof is a good candidate for coating instead of replacement, there are several different options:
  • Aluminum Coatings: A mix of aluminum paste, oxidized asphalt, and solvents, these coatings reflect UV radiation, which is ideal in the Denver area (we are a mile closer to the sun). This reduces rooftop temperatures, cooling costs, and helps slow the aging process. 
  • Asphalt Cutbacks: Made of petroleum and asphalt solvents, these coatings can be made with or without reinforcing fibers.  These are designed to penetrate, saturate, and restore asphalt build-up roof systems.
  • Bituminous Coatings: These usually work best when applied to asphalt or coal-tar built-up roofs, and are even marketed for metal-roof restoration.  Bituminous coatings also increase the fire resistance of your roof.
  • Emulsion Coatings: These coatings are used primarily on asphalt build-up or modified bitumen roofs.  Emulsion coatings are generally made of asphalt and colloidal clay-water blend, and are darker in color. 
  • Emulsion-aluminum Coatings: As they name suggests, this is a hybrid coating.  If you are restoring your roof, this coating tends to be less costly than emulsion, as a reflective surfacing coating is applied last.  Emulsion-aluminum coating are ideal for sealing / filling your roof as well as provide fire resistance.
  • Hypalon Coatings: A versatile coating offering resistance to ultraviolet radiation, fire, and chemicals, as well as waterproofing.  Hypalon is most commonly used to restore the surfaces of single-ply membrane roofs. 
  • Latex/Acrylic Coatings: Solvent emission regulations have become increasingly stringent.  These water-based coatings are ideal for complying with new regulations and are also cost-effective when compared to other polymers.
  • Modified Asphalt Coatings: These products have the same functions as asphalt coatings, but with the added benefits of elasticity, workability, and cold-weather flexibility for the brutal Colorado winters.  Primarily, these are made with synthetic rubber polymers, asphalt, solvent, and sometimes reinforcing fibers.
  • Neoprene Coatings: Used as a base coat beneath Hypalon coatings, this synthetic rubber polymer offer recovery and elongation properties.  Elongation and recovery are important properties as depending on your roofing material, it will expand and contract depending on the temperatures. 
  • Resaturants: Consisting of either an asphalt or coal-tar base, resaturants are available in both fibered and non-fibered, and are a combination of bitumen and compatible solvents. These coatings can also function as maintenance and restoration materials.
  • Silicone/Urethane Coatings: Available in one- or two-component products, these coatings are more costly than others. This is because they offer additional benefits such as enhanced resistance to chemical fallout, heat, ponding water, heat, root traffic, and ultraviolet radiation.
With the sheer number of possibilities available for your commercial roof in Englewood, you’ll need an experienced, reputable roofing company like The Roof Dr. to give you an accurate assessment of your situation, and the most cost effective options at your disposal. Roofs in Colorado often require special attention. With 300 days of sunshine a mile above sea level, and winters with several inches of snow and treacherous springs, The Roof Dr. offers expertise in all types of roofing and architectural systems, from new construction to re-roofing, to maintenance and repairs. 
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